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Lisa Wenmouth

Rev'd Sara's Reflections - w/c 15th January 2023

This weekend the Circuit Leadership team will be spending the weekend together as part of their Transformational Leadership Learning Community. This has been a year long journey where we have met with others from across the Connexion, Methodists in all parts of the country. I am looking forward to meeting people ‘in person’ having only met on a screen. Time away with a group will offer us the opportunity for prayer together, discussion and fellowship. Being alongside others will enable conversation and challenge as we seek to grow as a discipleship group with our particular responsibility of Circuit leadership. I’m praying about the forming of discipleship groups, small groups of 1-5 which meet regularly for prayer, Bible sharing, fellowship and relaxation fun time together. I will be reflecting about discipleship in my next few reflections. Daily prayer is an essential part as we seek to speak with God and listen to him. The prayer of examen is simply looking back to move forward with God. You might want to take some time this week to consider a few questions as we launch into the new year. Three questions to consider: 1. What have the storms of 2022 picked up and blown away for you? 2. How has 2022 anchored you more firmly? 3. What fresh roots have you discovered in the noise of this past season? Please pray for the Circuit team away at Yarnfield - Steve, Sara, Tim, Katy, Peter and the rest of the CLT who cannot be with us… Christine, Helen, Roger, Margaret and David. Do contact me if you are interested in becoming part of a discipleship group this year and pray whether God is leading you into fellowship and growth in this way love and prayers. Revd Sara

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